BorgFree Celebrates

Journeys often start with a push, run from or to something scary or something wonderful. As time passes memories bring understanding to present challenges. Uncovering truth can bring peace or terror. While we look for the good in all, we are well aware of the great dangers our material world provides. Challenges for those on the path to the stars.

Free at home

Free at home

we have survived somehow. so many challenges all predicted, in fact layout and organized so the rulers could visualize without reading. Movies magazines books conferences as much as they lay out theorized predicted catastrophes, tell the plan as we see it now before...

Away Log Lr822159

I have successfully joined with the free thinkers and adopted their ways, including their diets. Recently I was in Yaslow and treated myself to some delicious ice cream, of which I am fond but have gone some years now without eating. Within an hour or so of eating a...

Eat for health

Eat for health

Your body knows what it needs and tells you. Listen. Feel what you think of as intuition, is one of your connections to know what you need to eat and do for optimal health. Use of pendulum to access intuition may be helpful. Muscle testing is also an excellent method...

Is Space Empty

By definition space is empty. Defined as that which is nothing, has no properties, holds no things, is not a thing, does not exist except as a reflection or a shadow exists. Occupied space now has properties and can no longer be called space. However we do use the...

Dear Satan

Dear Satan

As you know the prison planet agreement specified a federation hand's off approach to planet management. The federation has stood by long enough as you destroy this planet and give no chance for so many souls to find redemption. Must you be such a cruel demon? Do you...

Universal Heart Beat

The Heart Beat of the Universe, of God, the source of the ebb and flow, compression and rarefaction, of the aether. Modern man, forced to toil by the hands of man's clock, has lost connection with the source of life. Today it is believed that food grows on the shelves...

Starlight Dreams

Astronomy is a science of math and optics and pure imagination. Astrophysics is the philosophy of creation on a grand scale. What do we really know about the moon, the sun, planetary orbits, stars? Many times I have looked at the night sky with awe and wonder,...

Ancient History 101

Earth was once a well managed planet, highly respected by the Federation of Planets, a jewel in the universe, an elite vacation spot, honeymooner's delight and so on. The main attraction was a continent called Paradise. In Paradise, it was said (has been recorded?)...

What I Eat

Top Rules for healthy eating Eat only food grown within a days horse ride from where you sleep. Eat only meals you prepared yourself. Eat food whole and raw when ever possible. Nothing prepared, canned, dried, pasteurized, salted or spiced, sugared, preserved,...

Island Design

When choosing the location of your island prison colony, be cognitive of the following points. Escape proofSelf sustainingminimal to zero administrative oversite and controlOpportunity for soul cleanse thru karmic sheddingRampant evil cleansed by volcanoes and...