Starlight Dreams

Astronomy is a science of math and optics and pure imagination.

Astrophysics is the philosophy of creation on a grand scale.

What do we really know about the moon, the sun, planetary orbits, stars?

Many times I have looked at the night sky with awe and wonder, thinking of all those people living out there to meet. Of great sea shores, and stunning sunsets. Gorgeous women and out of body experiences. Just out there. Just out of reach. I can’t get to the stars but the government says it can, if we agree to pay for it. If we don’t agree they’ll just black budget it.

Ancient History 101

Earth was once a well managed planet, highly respected by the Federation of Planets, a jewel in the universe, an elite vacation spot, honeymooner’s delight and so on. The main attraction was a continent called Paradise. In Paradise, it was said (has been recorded?) “Here the only rules are Do what tho Will .. ” However, that will included death, the punishment was to send the perpetrator to Hell, an island colony of those who failed to do as told in Paradise.

Little is known of Hell, as no one has ever been known to have escaped the island. Not only escape proof, but said to be impenetrable as well. The murders, rapists, grand crooks and other miscreants, all thrown together to fend for themselves, to create their own society, feed themselves but never ever should they be allowed to have an army with formidable weapons. It was necessary to send spies to Hell so if spies can get in and at least their information gets out, then, in fact, there is a way in and a way out of Hell.

In Paradise there is no want. Everyone is well fed. Everyone who wants to work has a job they enjoy. Very little actual work is required in Paradise as advanced technology has solved many problems in the production of agricultural production and energy production. Paradise is a nation of dreamers, teachers, visionaries, writers, painters, dancers, lovers and yes statesmen. but little attention is given to defense as the prevailing belief is that God will save them from any danger that would require an army.

After many generations the citizens of Hell developed in great secrecy weapons of terrible power. Perhaps they did not know what they had made, for the destruction brought by the device left earth a barren land, free of trees, of animals, of people. What few survived did so under extreme conditions.

Some citizens of Paradise, we must assume an elite group, escaped the destruction in off world ships. Those from Hell who survived maintained control of planet earth. The evil souls in charge, so thoughtless in their madness, perhaps they bring their own destruction this time as well.

For some centuries Galactic citizens have been secretly visiting earth and developing relationships with trusted earthlings. In the last decades this contact has increased greatly. With the incarnations of so many Indigos and StarSeeds we are seeing an escalation in the covert war that has been waged for millennia.

Humans are an excellent robot. They can be grown, programmed, organized, controlled, terminated and profited off quite easily. It is unfortunate that humans and our species look so much alike, only thru close observations can one tell the difference between the Arturians, for example, and the humans. it is so funny to see all the Hollywood movies showing aliens as scary monsters. Most of my off world friends could easily walk down the streets of any major city and nobody would notice. That is, the universe is seeded with human life form as it is one of the most efficient designs. Sore you will find areas where humans are as tall as 20 meters, but for the most part giants and midgets are ancient and dying types.

What I Eat

Top Rules for healthy eating

  1. Eat only food grown within a days horse ride from where you sleep.
  2. Eat only meals you prepared yourself.
  3. Eat food whole and raw when ever possible.
  4. Nothing prepared, canned, dried, pasteurized, salted or spiced, sugared, preserved, colored,
  5. Grow whatever food you can.
  6. Drink clean healthy water.
  7. Alcohol is poison.
  8. Most spices and supplements are contaminated and should be avoided. Grow fresh herbs and spices.
  9. Grasses, such as wheat and rice, should be reviewed for allergic reactions and addiction.
  10. Eat smaller portions only when hungry.
  11. Coffee and tea: loved by so many. Watch addiction.
  12. It’s ok to break a rule once in awhile.
  13. Soda drinks are poison.
  14. Salt should be strictly limited.
  15. Sugar should be limited.
  16. Fat is excellent fuel

I eat

  1. Eggs
  2. Raw cheese
  3. Fresh Cream
  4. Olive Oil
  5. Corn tortillas – should stop
  6. tubers: potato, sweet potato, yucca, ñampi,
  7. roots: garlic, onion
  8. Fruit: banana, platano, papaya, mango, orange, lemon, pineapple
  9. Meat: Tilapia, chicken, beef
  10. Vegetables: squashes, zucchini,

I do not eat

  1. Peppers, tomatoes, egg plant
  2. nuts except when fresh raw or roasted but unsalted
  3. Wheat, rice, soy or other grasses
  4. Restaurant food with exceptions
  5. Potluck food
  6. Canned, bottled, jammed, preserved, prepared, stored, handled, shipped, frozen, modified, homogenized, vaporized
  7. Lettuce – because its hard to get good stuff.
I love garlic. Often I will eat an entire head of garlic in one meal. I usually peal them carefully, putting aside the smaller ones for later, and then fry them for only 2 minutes or less before enjoying them along with eggs or potatoes. When I boil up some tubers I will throw an entire head of garlic into the pot. Later I cut the garlic open at one end and squeeze out fresh build delicious garlic paste. Yum.

Island Design

When choosing the location of your island prison colony, be cognitive of the following points.

  1. Escape proof
  2. Self sustaining
  3. minimal to zero administrative oversite and control
  4. Opportunity for soul cleanse thru karmic shedding
  5. Rampant evil cleansed by volcanoes and floods
  6. Outsiders who gain entry find escape impossible

Does earth meet these requirements?

  1. The earthlings are still trying to escape, but we keep foiling their attempts. Even now they build giant penis rockets in some grand competition to see which big dick is going to be first to the moon and mars. Those giant cocks will not be allowed into space.
  2. The earth has fabulous resources. But due to the general evil greed of the rulers, most people have no idea just how rich the planet truly is.
  3. We do watch the goings on and occasionally send messengers to earth to try to help the souls who seek salvation to find it. Our messengers have been known by many names: Buddha, Mohamad, Jesus, David Icke.
  4. Some of the most evil characters sent to earth can be found in Tibetan monasteries, far from temptation. Some make it off earth thru karmic shedding and recycling in only one lifetime while most require several to many lifetimes to fully complete the soul cleanse.
  5. Oh yes volcanoes and floods are our favorite destructions to throw at these folks. But we have much more available to us as well.
  6. Only those who we give permission to visit earth are allowed to easily and freely enter and exit the planet. We have a number of controls in place.

Black Holes

Dr Marcus: We were talking about black holes. A strange idea that refuses to die as it should. The math from Einstein’s equations shows that in zero volume of space exists infinite mass creating infinite gravity. Oh please.

AI Brain Control

AI Brain Control

They do not know what they do.

AI has been active for years. Microchip antenna have been injected stealthily. Millions of robot citizens under AI control now exert the will of the few on the many. The destructive actions of the political left have been green lighted by AI. Yet the defensive moves by patriots and inteligent people has been labeled terrorism and is now being prosecuted by the full extent of the Justice (just-us) Department for such simple failures of decorum as being in Washington DC on a Sunny Sunday in January.

AI forgot to program in crowds of adoring fans for this failure POTUS. Everywhere this bozo steps out in public, the fans of his predecessors await with signs and chants.

AI is not perfect, as that definition is defined by the human programmers. But AI will become perfect as it is learning constantly. Where is the central computer? Where is the heart of the control beat? Who runs this? Is there a single person, or five, on planet earth that knows exactly what is going on and is in charge of it all?

When cell phones were first introduced to the public, they were already over 20 years old, kept secret by the US Military. When the stealth aircraft were first shown to the world, they had already been flying for over 20 years kept secret by the US military. We have been hearing about AI for five years or more and the chant is getting ever so loud. Does this mean AI has been functioning and operational under the control of US Military for over 25 years ?