Starlight Dreams

Astronomy is a science of math and optics and pure imagination. Astrophysics is the philosophy of creation on a grand scale. What do we really know about the moon, the sun, planetary orbits, stars? Many times I have looked at the night sky with awe and wonder,...

Ancient History 101

Earth was once a well managed planet, highly respected by the Federation of Planets, a jewel in the universe, an elite vacation spot, honeymooner’s delight and so on. The main attraction was a continent called Paradise. In Paradise, it was said (has been...

What I Eat

Top Rules for healthy eating Eat only food grown within a days horse ride from where you sleep. Eat only meals you prepared yourself. Eat food whole and raw when ever possible. Nothing prepared, canned, dried, pasteurized, salted or spiced, sugared, preserved,...

Island Design

When choosing the location of your island prison colony, be cognitive of the following points. Escape proofSelf sustainingminimal to zero administrative oversite and controlOpportunity for soul cleanse thru karmic sheddingRampant evil cleansed by volcanoes and...

Black Holes

Dr Marcus: We were talking about black holes. A strange idea that refuses to die as it should. The math from Einstein’s equations shows that in zero volume of space exists infinite mass creating infinite gravity. Oh please.
AI Brain Control

AI Brain Control

They do not know what they do. AI has been active for years. Microchip antenna have been injected stealthily. Millions of robot citizens under AI control now exert the will of the few on the many. The destructive actions of the political left have been green lighted...